Thursday 26 May 2011

Half Term Challenge

Next half term we will be starting a new topic on rivers.

During half term I would like everybody in class 9 to find out an interesting fact about rivers and write it into a comment on this post. This way we will be able to share lots of information with each other. Hopefully we will gather 30 different facts to share. (Remember to include your initials with your comment.)

Your fact could be about a particular river - for example the length of a famous river or the country/ies it flows through. Alternatively, it could be general information about rivers - for example a particular feature of a river or where rivers begin and end.

Good luck class 9 and have a lovely week.
Ms. Turner

We Are Class 9


CLASS9 have  been learning about   Relationships. WE GOT each OTHER TO wRITE memories about us. Then we made an art/seal project about our relationships as a class    J

The Way We Learn

A fixed  mind set is when your mind stops  and you don’t know the answer and then at that point you give up.

When people give you negative comments and it stops you trying and you go negative yourself.

A growth mind set is somebody who doesn’t get it but practises it and keeps trying. Also if you take in negative comments that are supposed to help you as a good thing. If you want to learn more about subjects and practise and practise until you get it right. If you never give up it is a growth mind-set.  T.S &T.J

Friday 20 May 2011

Our New IPC Topic - Settlements

In IPC we have been learning about and comparing different settlements in India and England.

C.O-India's capital city is called New Dehli. In England we use pounds to pay for things but in India they use rupee. By 2050 India's population will be 1.6 billion. Now thats alot of people!!

N.B-In India there are only 3 seasons which are called Hot season which is used for planting, cool season is used for weeding and Monsoon season which is for Harvest.
E.G- Brimingham is a city and Birmingham has malls but in villages they don't have malls they only have a little amount of shops.
Cities and villages are Settlements and Settlements are places where poeple live.

hw-l The most known river in India is the river Ganges

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Bhangra Dancing

Today year 5 have done Bhangra dancing. Bhangra comes from Punjab in the north of India. We all enjoyed it very much although it was hard work and we were all out of breath.We danced to live music and a recorded track. PE & CM

Today we have been learning about India. A man came to teach us an Indian celebration dance. We all had lots of fun and were very excited about it!!!

All about class 9

We would like to introduce our selves with some pictures and sentences about us.

D.H I am freindly and hard working and my freinds say i'm funny.

B.W/ B.W is away at the moment so I would like to introduce him, he is freindly funny and generous.

P. E: Hi im PE I am 9 years old, I have two brothers and my hobbies are dancing and reading.

K.V hi I am KV and I like playing football and my freinds say I am funny.

Spanna-Hi I'm Spanna and I have lots of hobbies. Here are a few: dancing,swimming,tennis and running.

CoCo- Hi I'm CoCo and I love to dance! I'm 10yrs old. I have two siters and two pets. I lots of friends but I have 5 BEST friends!!!

Bambi-Hi I'm Bambie and I have 1 brother. I am 9yrs old and my hobbies are reading and horse riding. My best friends are Coco,Soso and Lolo!!!

H.J-Hi I'm HJ and I am 10yrs old. I love to play tennis and I adore all dogs. My best friends are an an ,em, Paige!!!.

Cheeky C-Hi I am Cheeky C I love monkeys and I love playing at home like a monkey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ortyboi10- Hi I'm Ortyboi10 I am 10 years old and I have lots of friends who I love to play football with. I also like playing on the PS3 with some of them. I also love hamsters!!

EC: Sup I am EC I am 10 years old, I have a dog and my favourite sport is foot ball!

AW: Wazzup I am AW im 10 years old I have two cats and four hamsters. My favorite sport is football.

Em: I'm a lively person and I like lots of FUN!!!!!!!
CM ~ Hi I an CM I am 9 years old. My best friend is PE and I love dancing and doing art!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LT I like dancing and doing art my best friend is mr.

Soso: Hi I'm soso I love sport dance and animals. I have a pet dog and two sisters.

I'm TS and I have lots of freinds and 4 cats. My favourite sport is football.

Imo - I like horses and I like reading. My favourite book is danny the champion of the world by Roald Dahl.

MAXIMAN  I like football and playing with my friends at the park.

JOKSTER I like playing online with my friends ^

HW-L I played for Warickshire squash under 11's and I like football.

S.H - Hello I'm S.H and im a funny and a joyable little kid and I also love to play football 

M.R- Hello I'm M.R I love ridng in my spare time and have lots of friends

N.B-Hi I'm N.B and I am kind & I love to read books.

Hi it’s the JS here I like science, ICT, maths but not really English or PE although I kinda like PE but… oh where am I going with this byeeee!!!

Hi it’s HW here I like playing rugby football  and  I think I am good  at them and I also play tennis and I like playing tennis with T.C and I like Maths byeeeee!!!!

Hi it's Morrison here I like tennis, golf, swimming and badminton. In swimming I've got my 1500 meters and in golf I won my dad a mars bar.
Hi it’s CB I like swimming, maths, P.E., I.C.T., and loads more but I would be here all day so I have to go byeeee!!!

T.C. I am smart, funny and very helpful

TjJ hi my name is TJ and I am 10 years old I  like to do art ,reading and music and my best friend is LT