Tuesday 1 November 2011

Surviving in the Wild

On Tuesday the 1st of November 2011 Y5 went to Plantsbrook Nature Reserve. Our topic is a mission to mars and we are finding out what people need to survive. We looked out for plants,animals,polution and dangers. The plants and animals we saw were Holly bush,Ivy and reeds the animals we saw where ducks, birds a squirrel and seagulls. The polution we saw was a tin can in the water and some litter. DS & RP

We were thinking about setting up a camp for the month and what sort of things we would need to survive like food and water. For food, we could have birds, ducks, black berries and fish. For dink we could drink the water from the the lake by boiling the water first to get the germs out, then drinking it. TA & JJ

We saw some dangers like fungus,plastic bottles and wrappers. Te was also some animal habbitats like a beavers. We thought we could build a shelter out of long grass,stick and logs.LJB & CMW


  1. Ms Turner would like to say a big well done to class 9 for their sensible behaviour and all their hard work today - well done!

  2. thank you for takeing me by jj
