Tuesday 17 January 2012

Solids, Liquids & Gasses

This term in science we have been learning about solids, liquids and gases. We know that that the gases around us are gases like oxygen which makes up 21 % of the air we breathe. Anaesthetic gas normally is used in hospitals to numb patients or make them fall asleep. Hydrogen is the smallest element of the air. Natural gas is normally used for all day uses like cooking and can be set on fire easily. Helium is lighter than air and used to hold air ships and balloons in the air. Carbon dioxide is toxic to humans and animals and used to help plants make food. There is also argon gas, methane gas and nitrogen.

We put water into 4 pots. One of them had marbles in it, another one of them had sand, another one had soil and the other had cloth inside. We did this to find out which solid had the most air between the particles. In the end we found out the marbles held the most air between them by watching how many air bubbles came to the surface. We really enjoyed this task!!!
By CD + LH

We did an investigation to find out how much air there is in different soils. We got 3 pots that had 3 types of soils in them. Soil number 1 was gardening soil, soil number 2 was the sandy soil and soil number 3 was a stony soil. In our investigation we put water in the 3 pots and in soil 1 we poured in 67ml of water in the pot and there was 33ml of air in there. In soil 2 there was 55ml of water poured in the pot and 45 ml of air. In soil 3 there was 71ml of water poured into pot and 29ml of air in it. After all that we discovered that soil 2 had the most air in it.
By A.P

In science we did an experiment with soil and water. We had a measuring jug full to 100ml with water and we had 3 types of soil and we tipped water in the soil until the water reached 100ml. Every table did it and we all had different results so we had to do it as a class. The results from the class results were soil 1 had 62ml water poured and 38ml air in the soil. In soil 2 it had 43ml water poured and 47ml air in the soil. In soil 3 it had 49ml water poured and 41ml air in the soil.
By P.H

We also carried out the following investigation to find out if air has weight.

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