Friday 10 February 2012

Using Clay

This week in Art we have been looking at busts made out of clay. (This is a Head and shoulders out of clay.) In the Roman times all the emperors had very detailed busts. We tried to make a bust like in the Roman times but we found out that it is very hard.
Here are some tips:
1. Break the clay into two parts to make a nose as well.
2. Create the shoulders then create the head.
3. Then finally attach them together and wait till they dry.

This week in art we have been making clay busts of ourselves. We have been looking at all of the features of busts and we have had a look at some Roman busts and some contemporary busts. When we made our busts, we had to look very carefully at the features of our faces and the shape of our faces. Now we have made them, we have to wait for them to dry over the holidays and then we are going to paint them.
By J.P and L.E

This week in art we made clay busts of ourselves, they had to be very detailed and we also had to put water on them to make them stick together. We used a glue spreader to spread the water over the clay model and we also used it to put little details on to the clay models. We had to do it on newspaper so that we wouldn’t get any clay on the table but eventually we did. We had a contest with another class to see who could keep the most clay off the floor but we still don’t know who won yet.
By AP & AM

We first played with the clay so we can know how to use it better. Then I put it in to three pieces. One for the head, one for the shoulders and one for my rugby ball. It was hard because it was sticky.
By F.P

This week in art we have been making clay busts. We thought carefully about the different features we have, such as hair and eyes. We tried to get our shoulders as smooth as possible. Some people struggled with making their hair. After they are dried we get to paint them. After we paint them we get to play with them and take them home and show are moms and dads and our sisters and brothers.
By R.P. and R.W.


  1. When we did our clay busts it was really mucky because we used alot of clay and the clay was extremly sticky.

  2. I love reading the Y59 blog and keeping upto date with what my child is doing. I can't wait to see how the clay busts end up when they are dried and painted.
    Parent of RP
