Thursday 19 April 2012

Creating our national park.

Class 9 have been creating national parks. We decided to create national parks when we went to the Icon gallery and we saw Stuart Whipps’ work. Stuart Whipps was taking photographs of a national park. Class 9’s national parks included trees, mountains and lakes. We named them and made leaflets. Inside, the leaflet had the dangers and a mini map of the park. Some parks had animals. After we made them, we split the class into half and we were selling visits to our parks for 1 token or 2 then we swapped it around so the other group could visit some parks. The group with the most points got a sticker. By R.P.

Over the past 2 weeks class 9 have been working on painting nature parks but everything there had to be natural. My nature park was called C.L.L.R national nature park, the reason that it is called the C .L.L.R is because the 4 people who  did it were me L.H – C.W – L.E – R.W
 By L.H

Class 9 was working on a painting for our own imaginary nature park. Ours was called Mountain Falls. We also made a leaflet to advertise our park. After we drew our park we painted it to make our park colourful and bright. On our last lesson we tried to sell visits to our park and we went round visiting 2 parks with our 2 tokens and at the end we came 2nd with 6 tokens and the people with the most tokens won and they had 8 tokens.
By P.H and D.S

Sunday 11 March 2012

Roman Day

Last week in topic we had a Roman day. We did lots of fun activities and it was very fun. First of all we did Roman society. We split up into groups from Roman society. We had to pretend to be people such as the senators, the women, the slaves, the rich landowners and lots more. Next we went to see a lady called Nina and a man called Scott. They showed us some shields and some swords and we had to practice sword fighting. At the end of the day we did a murder mystery. We watched a film which was very good and then we had to Question the characters.

On Friday the 24th of February we had a Roman day. We did lots of different interesting activities. First of all we learned about the roman society. We got put into lots of different groups including the senators, the slaves, the rich landowners and lots more. Ms Turner (Emperor Augustus) had to ask us why we should get paid 100 pounds.
Next we learned about the Roman army. Two people called Nina and Scott came in and taught us about it. We learned that after you are in the army for 20 years then you get a piece of land.

Samba Drums

This week on Monday we learned about Samba and a man called Chris showed us the instruments used to make samba music in Brazil. He showed us some drums and a cowbell that had two on them and it was called a go go. He taught us tunes to play then he let all of us have an instrument and we played the tune he gave us. We ended up playing a good Samba tune although it took a while to get it all together.
By S.L

This week on Monday we had a man who came in and taught us how to do Samba [as in the drum not the dancing thankfully]. We each had an instalment. I had a go go bell, which was like a cow bell. We each had a rhythm to play. My group’s rhythm was ‘I like potatoes’. Then at the end we all played all our rhythms together. It sounded really good. The different instruments were a base drum, a tambourine, a go go bell, and another sort of drum.

Saturday 3 March 2012

The Finished Busts

In art, we have been making clay busts of ourselves then we painted them. After we evaluated our clay busts and thought about what we liked and what we would like to change. I was proud of mine and all the rest looked great too. Everyone spent so much time on them.
By T.A

In art we have been making our own busts. My teacher told us to do this thing where you fill in this sheet about what we like and what we would change about the bust. I like my top because it was bright and pretty. I would change my lips because they are funny and fat. We were meant to make it look like yourself but my went a bit wrong but I still like it.
By A.D

In art today we have done an evaluation sheet on our clay busts asking us what we would change about it and what you liked about it. Before the lesson the teacher took a picture of all the clay busts so we could stick it in with our evaluation in our art books.
By A.M

Last week we were making busts and trying to make them look like us. What I liked best about my bust is the flower on my head. I think it is good and it is bright. What I would change would be the neck and the shoulders because they are a bit wonky and I would change the nose for the same reason. But I am really proud of my bust.

Reading with year 1

During book week children from the infant school came to read with our class. We listened to part of Zog by Julia Donaldson. Then we had to create a storyboard of what we thought would happen next. We worked together to help the younger children.

Friday 10 February 2012


On Tuesday last week we made bread. It was awesome! I made an L shape for my name. We got to put nearly anything in the bread we wanted. In mine I put chocolate spread, some crunchy which had been crushed up. I also put some chocolate chips in and drizzled some honey on the top. Firstly, to make the bread we put the flour and water in and yeast then mixed it up. After that we started to knead the dough then it was done.

Last week on Tuesday class 9 made bread rolls and it was great fun. Firstly we put flour, water and yeast into a mixing bowl and mixed it together. Then we kneaded the dough. As there were 6 of us we had to split the dough into 6 parts and then we kneaded it some more. Then we made the shape we wanted it to be. I made a Catherine wheel and it had chocolate spread in the middle and I also put chocolate drops on top.

Our Assembly

Class 9 performed an assembly in front of the whole school on The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson. We had people acting out the parts: snake, the Gruffalo, mouse, owl and fox. We also had people speaking for all our characters and people saying the moral messages.
By L.F and L.H

This week we have done an assembly to the school . We did it on moral messages. We did the Gruffalo. These are some of the messages that we said - don’t judge a book by its cover and it is better to use your brain instead of using violence. We also had actors and speakers and some people doing moral messages and introducing it and we had a microphone to talk so everyone could hear us speaking. People who were not doing that learnt the rhyme.
By LC and JJ

This week we were doing a play for our assembly. We were doing the Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson. I played the Gruffalo. I was shy at first but then I overcame my stage fright (I’m H.F by the way). I did a message at the end of the play because we were looking at stories with a message. My message was just because you’re small doesn’t mean you can’t do big things (I’m C.R by the way). If you’ve never heard the Gruffalo this is what happens a little brown mouse lives in a woods and he pretends he’s going to meet a creature called a Gruffalo. All the animals want to eat the mouse and ask if the mouse would like to stay for tea but the mouse said no and said he was going to meet a Gruffalo but it’s not really real. Or is it? At the end he scares all the creatures using the Gruffalo then scares the Gruffalo. by H.F and C.R

Class 9 were doing stories with a meaning and we wanted to do a play of one for an assembly. We chose the Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson. I was the mouse and we had masks made for every character. At the part when the mouse said, “Who is this creature…” when he saw the Gruffalo, everyone said it. Also, we all said the last line. Mrs Kibbler had cut out a nut for me to pick up when the class said the last line. At the end C.R, T.A, L.F and D.S told the school some of the messages that we found in the story such as: bigger is not always better and using your brain is better than using violence. C.D read out a prayer that Ms Turner had found.
By A.B and C.J

In class 9 we did a play called the Gruffalo. A.B was the mouse, I was the fox (G.S), Owl was A.D and the snake was L.J ,and the Gruffalo was A.M. The rest of class 9 sung a poem about the Gruffalo. The theme of our assembly was stories with a meaning. Some of our meanings were don’t judge a book by its cover, just because you are small doesn’t mean you can’t do big things and big isn’t always better.
By GS and CW