Class 9 have been creating national parks. We decided to create national parks when we went to the Icon gallery and we saw Stuart Whipps’ work. Stuart Whipps was taking photographs of a national park. Class 9’s national parks included trees, mountains and lakes. We named them and made leaflets. Inside, the leaflet had the dangers and a mini map of the park. Some parks had animals. After we made them, we split the class into half and we were selling visits to our parks for 1 token or 2 then we swapped it around so the other group could visit some parks. The group with the most points got a sticker. By R.P.
Over the past 2 weeks class 9 have been working on painting nature parks but everything there had to be natural. My nature park was called C.L.L.R national nature park, the reason that it is called the C .L.L.R is because the 4 people who did it were me L.H – C.W – L.E – R.W
By L.H
Class 9 was working on a painting for our own imaginary nature park. Ours was called Mountain Falls. We also made a leaflet to advertise our park. After we drew our park we painted it to make our park colourful and bright. On our last lesson we tried to sell visits to our park and we went round visiting 2 parks with our 2 tokens and at the end we came 2nd with 6 tokens and the people with the most tokens won and they had 8 tokens.
By P.H and D.S
that was fun H.F
ReplyDeleteLooks cool