Friday 24 June 2011

Stories from other cultures

Class 9 are watching a film called Ponyo in our stories from other cultures unit in literacy.
This film was from Japan. Some of the proof we found were the children were swapping shoes for slippers in school and they were cooking food with chopsticks.
Some of the messages we found were don’t pollute the sea, never give up on people and never mess with essences of life. TM & BW

Ms Turner's Homework
Find out something interesting about Japan.
Name a Japanese reference from the film.
How you think Ponyo will end?


  1. In Japan hai means yes,iie means no,ohayougozaimasu means good morning, konnichiwa means good afternoon and oyasuminasai means good evening.

    By A.S

  2. In Japan they pay in Yens. The popoulation is 127,960,000 and thats the 10th biggest population in the world.
    By EG

  3. raw horse meat is a popular food in japan they have yens the green traffic in japan is called blue japan people in general cant drive very well.b.w

  4. It is impolite to tear the wrapping paper off of a gift.Japan has about 1,500 earthquakes each year.l.t

  5. The population ofJapan is 127,560,000. In the film Ponyo the signs on the road were written in Japanese. At the ending of the film, i think Sosuke and his parents go underwater and live in Ponyo's underwater house.

  6. The national anthem in japan is called "kimigayo." Hinormaru is the name of the flag,. But did you know children in japan start school in april after their 6th birhday.C.R

  7. Did you know Jpans literacy rate is almost 100%!!!!. One refrence is the animation of the characters faces. I think the story will end with Ponyo getting lost again and and then they find Ponyo and then they clear the sea out of rubbis and Wizard Fujimotto an d Ponyo's little sisters go and live with Sosuke and his mom and dad. T.s

  8. japans population is 127,078,679
    there capital is tokyo and their literacy rate is 99% almost 100%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
