Tuesday 17 January 2012

The Gurdwara

On Wednesday 11th 2012 Year 5 went to a Gurdwara temple (a place of worship). It is where Sikh people pray to God while someone speaks their language. There is also a kitchen where some people make a massive meal that is vegetarian. When you go into the Prayer hall you have to take your shoes off so you don’t get the floor dirty. By R.P.

For more information on our visit to the gurdwara see our review on our partnership blog at http://walmleymeetsprincealbert.blogspot.com/


  1. I had a great time thanks for taking us x

    By AD

  2. It was one of the best trips I ever went on.

  3. It aws really cool when we went on that trip because we got to sit in a hall of worship and if we wanted to we could try some of there food
