Saturday 3 March 2012

The Finished Busts

In art, we have been making clay busts of ourselves then we painted them. After we evaluated our clay busts and thought about what we liked and what we would like to change. I was proud of mine and all the rest looked great too. Everyone spent so much time on them.
By T.A

In art we have been making our own busts. My teacher told us to do this thing where you fill in this sheet about what we like and what we would change about the bust. I like my top because it was bright and pretty. I would change my lips because they are funny and fat. We were meant to make it look like yourself but my went a bit wrong but I still like it.
By A.D

In art today we have done an evaluation sheet on our clay busts asking us what we would change about it and what you liked about it. Before the lesson the teacher took a picture of all the clay busts so we could stick it in with our evaluation in our art books.
By A.M

Last week we were making busts and trying to make them look like us. What I liked best about my bust is the flower on my head. I think it is good and it is bright. What I would change would be the neck and the shoulders because they are a bit wonky and I would change the nose for the same reason. But I am really proud of my bust.

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