Sunday 11 March 2012

Samba Drums

This week on Monday we learned about Samba and a man called Chris showed us the instruments used to make samba music in Brazil. He showed us some drums and a cowbell that had two on them and it was called a go go. He taught us tunes to play then he let all of us have an instrument and we played the tune he gave us. We ended up playing a good Samba tune although it took a while to get it all together.
By S.L

This week on Monday we had a man who came in and taught us how to do Samba [as in the drum not the dancing thankfully]. We each had an instalment. I had a go go bell, which was like a cow bell. We each had a rhythm to play. My group’s rhythm was ‘I like potatoes’. Then at the end we all played all our rhythms together. It sounded really good. The different instruments were a base drum, a tambourine, a go go bell, and another sort of drum.

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