Tuesday 19 July 2011

Making Bags- Green Day

For our national green day project we had to design and make a bag out of recycled materials. We used needles and thread to sew our bags together then we used fabric pens to actually design our bags with colour. We chose a name for our bags and we could not use another brand name. One of the hardest parts was sewing on the belt because it's thicker material. C.O & A.W


We all had to make our own bag with our recyled materials. Then we did a poster to advertise our bags. then we had a script for a tv ad. then we practised it. Then we had to draw our logo, stick in a picture of our bags and write our slogan. Then we filmed our tv ad for tomorow. by T.S  C.B  H.W.L

1 comment:

  1. Great bags everyone. We hope you like our new teacher.We can't wait to find out our new teacher and to see you all in year 6!!!!!!!
